
Welcome to the UKRA Model Achievement Program (MAP) Glossary This document has been published by the United Kingdom Rocketry Association. This is designed to support the MAP program; it is not a general-purpose rocket glossary. Please pass corrections and suggestions to the author via


Term Definition
Flyer Person taking the assessment or certification attempt.
RSO Range Safety Officer, see UKRA safety code at
Award Granted upon the completion of all tasks associated with a particular MAP level
CHAD Stands for CHeap And Dirty. This refers to a simple way to create a simple form of multi-staging. It is not used for Bronze MAP.
Certify/certification Used mainly for high power flying. See the main UKRA site for more detail. Certify is not used for MAP, instead it is referred to as an award.
Assessment The full process of determining the outcome of the certification.
Task A component of an assessment
MAP (Model Achievement Program.) UKRA MAP is provided in three levels, this website!
Multi-stage (rocket) Any rocket that has more than one stage, powered or not that is detached during the flight
Assessor Person performing the assessment of the flyer
Core (activity) A task that must be completed to the assessor`s satisfaction in order to obtain the award. Details are in a separate document.
Elective (activity) One of an optional number of activities, some of which must be completed.
The number of electives, one or more, that need to be completed are described in the separate document.
Behaviours Any activity associated with flying that is not individually assessed, such as adherence to the safety code or following RSO instructions.
GSE Ground Support Equipment, consisting of all electrical mechanical components used to help launch the rocket but are not part of it.
BMFA British Model Flying Association. Importantly, membership of the BMFA provides flight insurance. For more information, please see for details. BMFA
wadding Sheets of flame retardant material primarily used to protect a parachute or streamer from the burning effects of the ejection charge.
UKRA United Kingdom Rocket Association, see for more information. UKRA
The safety Code A set of rules for appropriate rocket flying.
This MAP program is written to use the main UKRA safety code and the model safety code found on the main UKRA web site
Formal Q&A (Q&A) As part of the silver assessment:
The Silver MAP award requires a formal question and answer session between the flyer and the assessor. This is described in detail in the Silver Guide document.
Full Kit Rocket As part of the silver assessment:
The silver award is makes a distinction between almost assembled, basic kits and a model rocket kit that has a significant number of steps to build. Many rockets described as “beginner” are suitable for Silver Map but please avoid kits that are very simple, typically described as ready to fly or almost ready to fly. The ability to assemble a kit is one of the things that this award will assess.
Discretionary Credit As part of the silver assessment:
An assessor may choose to consider “over delivery” in one area or task as compensation for a shortfall in another. The key to the silver award is the need for the flyer to demonstrate understanding and skill, not to process a task list. This is of particular relevance to the Q&A task. It can also be applied to the flight tasks as well, take particular note in the scratch build elective.
Scratch Built: A rocket built mainly or exclusively from materials not from a rocket kit. This may include parts manufactured for model rockets, such as nose cones and body tube.