Why was MAP created?

MAP, the mode achievement program is a long-standing program from UKRA that has recently undergone a series of updates and improvements. MAP’s purpose is to provide a guided introduction to rocketry and is primarily for UK use.

What should a flyer expect in a MAP bronze assessment?

Anyone going for the opening bronze level award needs to fly a model rocket twice, these are called the core tasks and every MAP bronze flyer needs to do this. Every flyer also selects one elective task, so a task that the choose from a list. The flyer simply selects one from the three available and completes that task. Once this is done you are eligible for the award.

A person is selected, more usually volunteers to be an award assessor, this person may well also be the range safety officer who is looking after the rocket range. They will make sure that the flight is safe and will have a brief discussion with the flyer to make sure of a basic understanding of their mode.

There is a detailed guide to the bronze assessment available designed for the person performing an assessment in separate document together with more details on the flights.

How long will the assessment take?

The Bronze assessment is designed to be completed in a day, though can be extended over two or three as required. As it is best to use just one rocket, we recommend no more than a weekend.

What are the steps to get a Bronze award?

There are three steps, summarised here with details in downloadable documents. The downloaded documents are rather formal in the language they use, this is just to be as clear as possible. Please talk to us if any of this is confusing.

There are three tasks every Bronze flyer needs to do, called core tasks. and then a fourth that you get to choose one from a list, this is called the elective.


You need to do these all on the same day
  • Fly a model Rocket
  • Fly it again
  • Have a chat about your rocket to your assessor


Choose one of the following: we prefer this on the same day as the core tasks, but whenever you can is OK.
  • Fly the same (or very similar) rocket again, using a more powerful motor
  • Exchange/swap the recovery system on the rocket, see docs for details
  • Construction elective (the wet weather option.)

What we are looking for

There is a separate document on this, but basically:
  • The person trying to gain the award is the one doing the work
  • The rocket stays in a flyable condition
  • Everything is done safely
  • The flyer can describe the basics of their rocket to the assessor

How do I progress through the MAP process?

Once you have complete Bronze then the next step is Silver. This is also detailed on the UKRA and UKRA-MAP web sites. Silver is significantly more complex than Bronze.

I have model experience already do I need to start from the beginning?

It is OK for an experienced model flyer to skip bronze and go straight silver. Though we strongly encourage beginners to complete Bronze first.

What are the details of the Silver award

Silver requires three core steps and three elective steps. It may well take more than one day or one flying event to complete. Ideally, you would fly more than one rocket, it is part of the fun after all. Also, the assessor who looks after the assessment is a little more involved.

Silver is considerably more complex than Bronze, rather than giving summary information here we have complete documents for this on the documents folder.

What comes after Silver?

Amazingly enough Gold, though this is a project not a list of tasks and is fully agreed with the assessor rather than going through core and elective tasks.

Anyone carrying out the Gold elective will need to already hold a Silver award.

Who can be an assessor?

Anyone who is very familiar with flying model rockets. Of course, we would like them to be a member of UKRA but this is not necessary, however; they need to be covered by flight insurance which usually means being a member of the BMFA.

What does the assessors do?

Watch the flight and ask a few questions. Once things are complete, they sign the record sheet and let us know at There is a detailed assessor document in the docs/download section.

Can you be awarded MAP more than once?

Only the Gold project can be awarded to a flyer more than once, there need be no limit to the number of projects you can do. We are considering a Double Gold award that covers exactly this.

Can I use 3D printed parts?

3D printing is certainly changing rocketry but it isn't suitable for entry level bronze and silver projects.

However, working with an assessor on a Gold Project 3D printed parts can be considered. Be prepared to answer questions on how the increased weight and the use of filament may have on the rocket and any safety concerns having 3D printed parts may cause.

How do I contribute to this FAQ?

Please just get in touch, help is very welcome.

Can I reuse, print, share of otherwise use MAP data?

Yes, feel free to share MAP and MAP information. We would like you to credit the source and make it clear where changes have been made. Please credit UKRA or UKRA-MAP as the source.

Explicit permission is given here to use the record sheets produced for MAP. Reproduce these as much as you like, print etc.